Should You Post to Social Media on National Holidays?

Should You Post to Social Media on National Holidays

Let's chat about National Holidays, since National Remembrance Day was last week. This is something I get asked about a lot and I see too many brands making the same mistake too often when it comes to posting on these days.

My general rule for my clients is this: Unless you have a personal tie, connection or affiliation to a day such as Remembrance Day, MLK Day, Pride Month, and anything in between - do NOT post specifically about that day. Though well-intentioned, too often brands are posting generalized content on these days to be part of the conversation when they actually have no reason to, and people think it's disingenuous and see it as the brand capitalizing on the day and inserting themselves into a conversation.

Before you post, ask yourself these things:
- Why am I posting about this?
- Does my business donate to this or any other related causes consistently?
- Does my company volunteer to help a cause related to this day?
- Am I just trying to take part in the larger conversation, even if it's not relevant to my brand?

Don't end up on a listicle of brands that posted about a day of importance when they had no right to.


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